John Kerry
Former Secretary of State
Establishment Democrat
Media Bias:
Kerry served as the 68th Secretary of State,
prioritizing diplomacy and global cooperation,
notably focusing on climate change and nuclear
proliferation. His commitment to environmental
protection and peace efforts defines his legacy
in public service.
John Kerry is a calculated campaigner and modest individual whose strengths show with long-term planning and smart execution.
Strengths |
- Hyper Stamina: Like many candidates, Kerry's tenacity and dedication will show on the campaign trail as he sets up headquarters and plans for the long and arduous road ahead. This will be necessary in a manner similar to Ted Cruz as his behind the scenes know-how will shine above his individual presence.
- Expert Political Savvy: John Kerry's strengths are most evident in his ability to foment and change the political medium with as many options predisposed to him at all times, meaning he will have no problem concocting the perfect synergy of strategies at a moment's notice given enough political capital.
- Issue Scores: Kerry's issue scores will punch above his weight giving him a stronger start than most other candidates. This will especially help for winning competitive contests, as long as he manages to get past the issues that comes when generating awareness.
- Media Bias: The advertising ground-game won't be anything to scoff at, and will have Kerry lagging behind other candidates over the long term, making careful planning a crucial cornerstone of his campaigning.
- Personable Campaigning: Kerry's speeches won't go above and beyond to inspire crowds, and will be just enough to get the job done, with 2 speeches a turn at your disposal, it will do the bare minimum of what is expected on the campaign trail.
Stamina Attributes
In a single turn Kerry can do:
- Up to 13 movements in a single turn.
- Up to 2 Speeches in a single turn with 3 stamina points leftover.
- Up to 2 Advertisements in a single turn with 3 stamina point leftover.
- Up to 3 HQ Upgrades in a single turn with 1 stamina point leftover.
Issue Stances
Issue stances affect how well a candidate will be received across various states. Changes in some issue stances may help in one state but hurt in another. Overall, they average out to give a general consensus of how your candidate is received, having a direct link to your electability across the board.
- Addressing Climate Change
- 100
- Racial Equality Initiatives
- 90
- Renewable Energy
- 80
- Green New Deal
- 70
- Environmental Protection
- 80
- Green Jobs
- 70
- Sanctions on Russia
- -40
- Repeal Obamacare
- -60
- Expanding Medicare / Medicaid
- 70
- Higher Minimum Wage
- 50
- Public School Funding
- 70
- Abortion
- 60
- Backing Israel
- 60
- 60
- Sending Aid to Ukraine
- 80
- AI Regulation
- 70
- Leave the UN
- 80
- Intelligence Agency Reform
- 30
- Gender Reaffirming Care
- -30
- Energy Independence
- 20
- Social Security Reform
- -50
Update History
- v1.01
- John Kerry was introduced to the game.
The Game
Winning the Election
Ideology Decks
Game Modes
Official Pages