Border Protection Decrease
Border Protection Decrease | |
Border Protection Decrease
Reduce Target Player's stance on Border Protection in all States.
| |
Political Cost: | 3 |
Deck(s): | |
Type: | Modify Issue Stance |
Issue: | Border Protection |
Value: | -10 |
Notification: | Target |
Fake News is a newly introduced card type that allows you to modify you or your opponent's issue scores. However it can also be an effective way to get rid of a Bodyguard should the time come.
If the endorsement succeeds, you will see a message exclaiming "The news has begun propagating a story originating from {OwnerName} that is affecting your stance on Border Protection".
Fake News adverts should be read carefully so you understand whether it positively or negatively affects a stance on an issue score. Sometimes this can work towards your benefit, such as using Fake News to promote your own positions, or attack your opponents.
Fake News adverts can also be an effective means of getting rid of Bodyguards should you need to find a cheap way to open up for more dastardly cards.