A highly requested feature has arrived to The Political Machine 2024, Debates are here! During each debate there will be 5 questions, and they will be hosted in various states with a weight towards places with higher electoral votes, and important swing states.

When starting a game, the player has the option to set the amount of debates anywhere from one, to none, or even three should they choose when setting up a game. Debates affect the standing of issue scores, and enthusiasm depending on the winner.

There are four different interactions that can be done in debates, depending on whether or not you are the first or second person to answer a question.

First Responder

Should you be randomly chosen to receive the first response, you will be presented with 4 options. Keep in mind what you choose will affect the stance of the issue score not just in that state, stage, or debate, but throughout the entire nation. Generally moderate answers are the safest and will leave your opponent with little room to attack. The effectiveness of any given stance will largely depend on the state and the issue at hand.

Strong Support

  • Strongly affects Issue Score
  • Most susceptible to attack

Moderate Support

  • Moderately affects Issue Score
  • Least susceptible to attack

Moderate Opposition

  • Moderately affects Issue Score
  • Least susceptible to attack

Strong Opposition

  • Strongly affects Issue Score
  • Most susceptible to attack

Follow-Up Response

Being second-in-line isn't always a bad thing, especially when it comes to having the final say. By presenting the follow-up response to a question, you have the opportunity to attack your opponent after they've put their stance on the table, giving you the most information to work with, helping you present your issue, while tanking your opponent's stance on it at the same time. The effectiveness of the attack will largely depend on the state and the issue at hand. If the opponent offers a moderate stance, this will allow for a larger opening to give your own support or oppose stance to outmaneuver your opponent, especially if you have stronger scores on said issue.


  • Strongly affects Issue Score


  • Strongly affects Issue Score

Attack Support

  • Attacks opponent's Issue Score
  • Elevates your own stance

Attack Oppose

  • Attacks opponent's Issue Score
  • Elevates your own stance


After a debate is concluded, it will update the map with changes to Enthusiasm and Issue Scores depending on the candidate's performance. With enthusiasm directly correlating to how much the candidates woo the audience, as seen by the audience meter at the bottom of the screen. Sometimes winning the debate may be a great short-term strategy, but picking the riskiest answers may help you in the longer term.

The Game
Winning the Election
Ideology Decks
Game Modes
Official Pages

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