Main Page/Andrew Yang

Revision as of 00:12, 8 March 2024 by Vielle (talk | contribs)
Andrew Yang
Deck Outsider Democrat
Homestate: New York
Stamina: Super-Human
Charisma: Reserved
Intelligence: Exceptional
Media Bias: Liked
Experience: Minimal
Funds: Modest

Yang is a businessman and lobbyist who promotes
America's future as one where technology and
social reform improve everyone's lives and bridge
the partisan divide in United States politics. Among
the causes he champions, Yang supports UBI and
data privacy.


  Andrew Yang is an energetic optimist, who will stop at nothing to find a new way forward as he pushes for vast reformation.
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Super-Human Stamina: Andrew Yang has the best stamina characteristics in the entire game. You will frequently have extra leftover movement points to move out and about, allowing you to strategically think about where you want to build up your campaign, which states you want to visit, and where you want to begin and end your turns. With this you will always be one step ahead of the game.
  • Media Likability: Yang will be able to run an ad-focused campaign, and not only that, but he will even have the ability to get up to 5 ads deployed in a single turn thanks to his stamina. Making him the best candidate in the game when it comes to getting your message out through sheer volume and energy (as long as you have enough money).
  • Lack of Charisma: While Yang may be super-human on the trail, that energy won't extend to easily inspire people when he's out and about. Meaning you will have to work harder to flip states if you're trying to focus on getting your ideas across through speeches. Yang's charisma stats are among the worst in the game.
  • Slow Start: When starting of the campaign, Yang will have to build his campaign from the ground-up financially, furthermore Yang's issue scores won't appeal broadly to Americans which could cost him.

Stamina Attributes

In a single turn Yang can do:

  • Up to 15 movements in a single turn.
  • Up to 2 Speeches in a single turn with 3 stamina points leftover.
  • Up to 5 Advertisements in a single turn.
  • Up to 3 HQ Upgrades in a single turn with 3 stamina points leftover.

Issue Stances

Issue stances affect how well a candidate will be received across various states. Changes in some issue stances may help in one state but hurt in another. Overall, they average out to give a general consensus of how your candidate is received, having a direct link to your electability across the board.

Immigration Reform
Universal Basic Income
Higher Minimum Wage
Free Market Capitalism
Addressing Climate Change
Environmental Protection
Rural Connectivity
Transgender Rights
Restoring Net Neutrality
Social Network Censorship
AI Regulation


Tech Integration
Tech Deregulation

Update History


  • Yang is currently the only candidate in this game to be a part of a third party.

The Game
Winning the Election
Ideology Decks
Game Modes
Official Pages

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