Main Page/Michael Bloomberg

Revision as of 02:34, 4 March 2024 by Vielle (talk | contribs)
Michael Bloomberg
Deck Establishment Democrat
Homestate: New York
Stamina: Tired
Charisma: Reserved
Intelligence: Exceptional
Media Bias: Indifferent
Experience: Proficient
Funds: Tycoon

Bloomberg is a businessman and has served
several terms as the mayor of New York City.
as a businessman in politics. A former Republican,
he switched parties when he felt the Republican
party had failed to govern responsibly.


  Michael Bloomberg is a renowned tycoon billionaire with an establishe namebrand business, but will the presidency bears it name too?
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Endless Funds: Michael Bloomberg has some of the most funds out of any candidate, with a virtually unlimited warchest, meaning he will have to do little in the way of fundraising and will be able to get straight to the campaign trail with little in the way of hurdles, as his party welcomes him into the race.
  • Political Capital: Bloomberg's experience and intelligence will lend himself well towards a game where focusing on political capital is the key to victory. Meaning that Bloomberg will strive in getting the resources he wants to stay connected to the race.
  • 1 Speech a Turn: Inspiring voters will be tough when you're only able to fit 1 speech in a turn, and with 10% less effectiveness to boot, due to one killer statistic: stamina. This means that you will have a tougher time defining the race in-person and will often times need to be playing more calculated to win hotly contested races. Michael Bloomberg is currently the only candidate in that game that can only do 1 speech in a single turn, making him the worst candidate for giving speeches.
  • Below Average Stamina: Not only will speeches be a problem, but setting up HQs will be an even bigger one, as you will constantly have leftover stamina from not being able to make that third HQ upgrade. While getting a money may not be a problem, getting your campaign up and running in a timely manner will.
  • Bad Issue Scores: Michael Bloomberg's issue scores will set him up for a tough general, and an even tougher primary, especially as he will struggle to make up for it in speeches and HQs due to his charisma and stamina. Because of this Bloomberg will have a lot of trouble keeping up in the contest if he's not winning in political action cards or debates.

Stamina Attributes

In a single turn Pence can do:

  • Up to 11 movements in a single turn.
  • Up to 1 Speech with 5 stamina points leftover.
  • Up to 2 Advertisements with 3 stamina point leftover.
  • Up to 2 HQ upgrades with 3 stamina points leftover.

Issue Stances

Issue stances affect how well a candidate will be received across various states. Changes in some issue stances may help in one state but hurt in another. Overall, they average out to give a general consensus of how your candidate is received, having a direct link to your electability across the board.

Addressing Climate Change
Immigration Reform
Expand Medicare/Medicaid
Public School Funding
Stricter Gun Control
Wealthy Taxes
Social Network Censorship
School Choice
Gender Affirming Care
Rural Connectivity


Tech Deregulation

Update History


  • His internal filename is Mike Bloomberg, but his display name is Michael Bloomberg.

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